Our goal is to protect our guests and staff from SARS-CoV-19
General information
The new coronavirus 2019 is called SARS-Cov-2 and the disease that causes COVID-19. The virus was first detected in December 2019 in the Yuhan region of China.
It is transmitted from person to person through the respiratory system with droplets from sneezing, coughing and exhalation.
The main symptoms are: fever, cough, sore throat, arthralgia, myalgias, fatigue and difficulty in breathing.
The most serious disease it can cause is severe pneumonia which may require hospitalization.
If we come in contact with an incident of a sick or asymptomatic person, we should contact EODY at, to be informed about the provision of health services.
The use of a mask is a key measure in limiting the spread of the infection as it retains the droplets.
At the same time we should keep the natural distance, the hygiene of the hands and the avoidance of overcrowding, the respiratory hygiene, the use of tissue for cough or sneezing and the avoidance of touching the face.
Upon arrival at the reception area, your temperature will be measured for your care.
We use surgical masks.
We wash our hands often and use alcohol, antiseptics, which are available in public and private areas.
We ventilate our rooms. If during your stay you feel unwell (fever, dry cough, etc.) please inform us immediately to contact the occupational doctor of the company to take care of you.